Welcome to Morning Tree Language Centre Where Learning Has No Bounds.
Our vision is to become a leading provider of high-quality, reputable language education centre for students ages 3 to 14 who best excel in a challenging, fully immersive, enriching and hands-on environment.
Our mission at Morning Tree Language Centre is to provide a rich and engaging multi-lingual learning experience full of imagination, creativity, discovery, and joy.
晨樹語言中心成立於2019年6月,我們的初衷旨在為母語為非中文的小朋友提供一個豐富有趣,寓教於樂的普通話學習環境。從不會講到開口說,從四個聲調到組詞造句,深入淺出,一個個互動的小遊戲,一次次登臺的自我表達,這些之前完全不懂中文的小朋友學會了拼音,認識了生字,读懂了餐厅的中文菜单,聽懂了成語的小故事。 我們見證了孩子的中文之旅,沒有沉重的死記硬背和家庭作業,學習中文其實是一個充滿未知與樂趣的探索過程,這也正是我們學習一門新的語言的意義所在,為我所用。
We provide Mandarin, Cantonese, French and English Creative Writing classes.
Students can attend online or in-person at our Garden City Centre location in Richmond BC.
Contact us for more info or to register for classes.
Academic Series & Speaking Series
(S) Speaking Series:
Preschool Mandarin
(S) Speaking Series Preschool Mandarin – Perfect for ages 3-5 years old. Students will develop fundamental listening and conversational skills through Mandarin or Cantonese thematic learning, songs and interactive stories.
幼兒中文: 適合3-5歲初學者,通過故事,歌曲和場景教學培養學生基本聽說交流。
(S) Speaking Series:
Mandarin Conversation
(S) Speaking Series Mandarin Conversation – Suitable for children with fundamental listening and conversational skills. Students will build up a practical vocabulary pool to strengthen their fluency in spoken Mandarin. Class placements are assigned based on similar proficiency levels and ages.
(*NEW*) Hybrid Mandarin Class
Where traditional meets contemporary, this class is the perfect blend of structured learning and thematic exploration, (Textbook Required. 15min Daily Homework Expected)
混合普通話:通過將課本系統化知識結構和現實生活主題場景合二為一,學以致用,熟練掌握並運用所學語言。(需要購買課本. 每日需要完成十五分鐘的作業。)
** An assessment is required for this class
(A) Academic Series:
Pin Yin Foundation
This class is ideal for beginners looking to develop foundational skills in HanYu Pinyin, including Initials, Finals, Syllables and Tones. Students will also learn some foundational Chinese characters (Textbook/Workbook required).
(A) Academic Series:
Mandarin Reading & Writing
This series is suitable for students who have a sound foundation of
oral conversational skills in Mandarin. Students will gain new vocabulary for compositions and writing practice (Textbook/Workbook required).
Morning Tree Language Centre
8040 Garden City Rd, Unit 130,
Richmond, BC V6Y 2N9
(604) 285-5291
Updated: April 21, 2022
We recognize that with the constantly changing COVID-19 situation around the world, this is an unprecedented time for everyone. The well-being of our students and staff remains our highest priority. The small class sizes at MTLC along with extra measures in place, you have our commitment to continue providing your families with a safe learning environment. We will continue to keep a close eye on the Provincial and Federal health authority announcement.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.